Note: This is obsolete content.


What is fluschipranieExtractor?

It is a java program for extracting your saved albums by fluschipranie in Opera, Chrome or Safari. It does not require installation.

Latest Version: 0.0.1


How to run fluschipranieExtractor?

Download the zip file and extract it to your desired location in the hard disk.

Make sure you have java installed and set into the Path. How do you know this? Type: java -version in your console.

You have java installed but not set into the Path. How to do it? In windows XP right click over "My Computer" -> click "Properties" -> click "Advanced" -> click "Environment Variables" -> in "System Variables" box select "Path" -> click "Edit" -> append the location of your Java Bin Folder and end it with a semicolon, it should be like this: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_22\bin; The official reading about this is in Setting Path in Java

To run fluschipranieExtractor go to the extracted folder, if you are using windows or unix you can doubleclick run.bat or respectively. Alternatively you can run this program by doubleclicking it(fluschiExtractor.jar) if you have .jar extension registered for opening with Java TM Platform SE Binary. You can run this program too by right clicking it -> "open with" -> "Java TM Platform SE Binary".

How to use fluschipranieExtractor?

If you are using Windows, fluschipranieExtractor will try to find any database folder if present for any browser(Opera, Safari, Chrome), depending on the browser(s) you have installed its correlated button will be enabled. If fluschipranieExtractor fails to get any browser's database folder, its corresponding button will be disabled. If you are using fluschiExtractor in Mac Os or Linux the three browser's buttons will be disabled, fluschiExtractor doesn't know where to look for databases in those systems. In the future this probably will change.

If the browser button is disabled but you know where the databases folder is located set it yourself in File - Opera/Chrome/Safari DB Dir, for example in Windows XP Home Edition fluschipranieExtractor sets folders as follows: Opera DB Dir = C:\Documents and Settings\(your user)\Local Settings\Application Data\Opera\Opera\widgets Chrome DB Dir = C:\Documents and Settings\(your user)\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\databases Safari DB Dir = C:\Documents and Settings\(your user)\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer\Safari\Databases

You can use fluschipranieExtractor even without having the browser's extension database directory set, using manual selection(fluschipranie's icon-fourth button), press Open Database button, choose a fluschipranie database file or an HTML album file that you had saved using Ctrl+S, once selected press Extract Database.

If you have any browser database directory set, via yourself or fluschipranieExtractor, whenever you click its button the databases will be listed, chiefly there sure be one database by browser, but Opera could list one or many, chrome should be one, and Safari at most would list two. Opera naming pattern is like this: 0000000, Chrome's: 12, Safari's: 0000000001.db .Having any database selected press Extract Database to strip it away.

The output folder will be mydocuments/fluschipranieExtractor in windows, you can change it whenever you want through File-Options.

If the extraction operation is successful you will see in fluschipranieExtractor inferior box a log with all the photos and album extracted in addition to the extraction folder, if not, you probably see an Error description in the log.

fluschipranieExtractor will generate an [album name].xml file with significant information about the album in addition to the photos extracted