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fluschipranie 0.0.4 Download

How to use fluschipranie?

There are many ways of use fluschipranie but we will stick to the default behaviour first and then to the alternate behaviour:

  1. To download a facebook album you must be navigating in facebook and pointing your mouse over an album link (be it your album section, wall section).
  2. To better understanding of the following steps open the options page, (click the fluschipranie icon at the right-top corner of your browser, a panel will open with three buttons click options, or open the extensions page and click the options link in fluschipranie extension). Standing your mouse over the album link make right click, a menu will open with various items, including "fluschipranie download", click it as in the image.
  3. After clicking "fluschipranie download" a popup with two input fields will open. This step may be optional, if you see your options page there is a checkbox "Prompt for options everytime" which is checked, that is why this popup appears. If you have it unchecked this popup will not appear and will use the values of the input fields in the options page. Input fields in either the options page or the popup can be empty, in such case the value "default" will be used.
  4. Once fluschipranie has the values for prefix and album it will try to store the album in database. If the storing task was successfull you will receive a notification such the following:

    If an error occurs an alert will show up with a message if it is a normal error. The message will consist of a number code and a description if it is a database error. If the error is a database one the album won't be stored in any way.

  5. If all went well in step 4, you saved your album successfully. You may be wondering: where the heck is the album? Relax, it was not stored as a regular file would be but as database data. To view your stored albums and photos you must open the "image browser" (click fluschipranie button, as in step 2, click the button image browser). A new tab will open with the details of your stored albums, if any:
  6. To view your photos click over any album you have displayed in the previous step. A new tab will open with your photos displayed in rows of 5. You have your album stored as database data and can access your photos anytime through fluschipranie's image browser, however you can save your albums to your hard disk too as a HTML file: how? Open an album through the image browser, press Cntrl + S and click save.

The Widget Panel

  • prompt for options everytime checkbox By default this field is checked, which means that the default behaviour will be to prompt for prefix and album input in the popup everytime. Unchecking this a popup with a single button (save album) will show.
  • options button This button is a shortcut for the extension's preferences.
  • image browser button Pressing this button will open an albums' window.
  • help button On pressing it, this site will be opened.

Fluschipranie Options

  • Prefixphotos' prefix, default value: "default".
  • Albumalbums' name, default value: "default".
  • Prompt for options everytimeprompt for prefix and album input everytime, default value: checked(true).
  • Savesave prefix or album field.
  • Hide facebook's adsdefault value=true/checked, by default fluschipranie will hide ads.
  • Fetch large imagesdefault value=false, by default fluschipranie will not fetch large images.
  • Ask for confirmation when deleting a photodefault value: true(checked).
  • Ask for confirmation when deleting an albumdefault value: true(checked).

Album Browser

  • Here you can see the albums you have saved. Albums with the same name can be diferenciated by their dates or number of pics.
  • When deleting an album all photos will be deleted or none if an error is encountered.
  • When opening an album all the photos will be displayed by rows of five, in their original sizes.
  • As with albums you can delete photos too.